**This document is encoded in UTF-8. == Welcome == Thank you for using our HTTP status display web service. 2019-07-26 edited. == Contact us == Website: https://www.haward79.tw/ E-mail: haward79@yahoo.com.tw haward79 all rights reserved. == Usage == Set HTTP status handling URL to 'https://errorpages.haward79.tw/' with GET method data on the server. == GET method interpretation == -- GET method data sent to 'https://errorpages.haward79.tw/' can be interpret as follow. -- statusCode=[HTTP_status_code] (Note: with invalid statusCode or no statusCode, the page will be directed to our home page of service.) -- message=[message_to_page_viewer] -- troubleShooting=[troubleshooting_method_string] -- email=[admin_email] -- homePage=[home_page_url] == End Of File ==